
Maureen Miller

Maureen Miller

Upper West Side, Manhattan, NY

Tel: 212-873-7319

email Maureen

Maureen C. Miller is a Senior Instructor with the Ohashi Institute. She has taught the Ohashiatsu curriculum courses and special workshops in the United States and Europe since 1987. Previously, Maureen was a professional dancer, teaching and performing with companies throughout the United States. She has also studied and practiced kinesiology, Aikido and Karate. For Maureen, her love of movement, Ohashiatsu, and the profound “poetry” of the five elements have join forces to create a powerful expression of life, which come through her teaching and private sessions.

Maureen has a successful private practice in Manhattan on the Upper West Side. She moves gracefully through her sessions with a smooth flow, utilizing a variety of dynamics and a soft yet, deep, touch.